Thank you for considering donating!
Stage One, Inc. is a theatre company producing high quality, thought-provoking shows. Help us to continue our mission by becoming a Friend of Stage One! Here are some of the perks:
All Friends are listed in production programs. A Friend affiliation is renewable annually.
Crew’s Friend: $5 – $99
Actor’s Friend: $100 – $249
Includes: 2 (two) free tickets to be used at one production of the season
Director’s Friend: $250 – $499
Includes: 4 (four) free tickets to be used throughout the season
• a copy of the actor’s script for one show
Producer’s Friend: $500 – $999
• a total of 6 (six) free tickets to be used throughout the season
• a copy of the actor’s scripts for two shows
Founder’s Friend: $1,000 +
• a total of 8 (eight) free tickets to be used throughout the season
• a copy of the actors’ season’s scripts
